Woman on a rideshare scooter.

Rideshare scooters, also known as electric rental scooters, motorized scooters, and dockless scooters, are becoming more popular in cities throughout the United States, including cities in Tennessee. The scooters provide another form of rideshare transportation for individuals who need a quick ride. A person can simply “unlock” the scooter with an app on a smartphone, and they can also leave the scooter anywhere throughout the city for the next person to use. And also, the person is only charged for the time they are using the scooter.

Unfortunately, scooters can be dangerous because rideshare scooter accidents can cause serious injuries. If you have injuries from a rideshare scooter accident, you may need assistance from a Tennessee motor scooter accident attorney to pursue injury claims.

Common Rideshare Scooter Injuries

Electric scooters can travel at speeds of roughly 15 mph. However, there are no experience requirements for renting a scooter. Because there are no requirements for experience, inexperience and driver error are common reasons for rideshare scooter accidents. 

In fact, health care facilities report an increase in the number of individuals requiring medical treatment for injuries sustained in scooter accidents. Some emergency rooms, as well, have even seen a 161 percent increase in scooter-related incidents in just one year. Also in 2018, an estimated 1,500 people were killed or injured in electric scooter accidents.

Seven common injuries reported from rideshare scooter accidents include:

  • Cuts, abrasions, and lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Head and brain injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck and shoulder injuries, including whiplash
  • Wrist and ankle injuries
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Facial injuries

Unfortunately, some victims of rideshare scooter accidents sustain life-threatening conditions that result in death. 

Who is responsible for a rideshare scooter accident?

As with any other type of motor vehicle accident, a thorough investigation is required to determine the cause of the accident. As mentioned above, there are many causes of rideshare scooter accidents, including inexperienced riders. Some of these causes are:

  • Driver error, including driving while impaired, speeding, failing to yield, distracted driving, and other traffic law infractions
  • Dangerous or hazardous road conditions
  • Traffic accidents involving scooters where the other driver is at fault for the collision
  • Defective machinery or scooter parts
  • Improper maintenance of the electric scooter
  • Electric scooters left in locations that create a tripping hazard
  • Scooter drivers hitting pedestrians and bicyclists

In addition, determining who is liable for damages in a rideshare scooter accident can be challenging. In order to recover your compensation, an attorney must determine how the accident occurred to identify the parties responsible for causing the crash, and they must gather evidence to prove fault. 

After the attorney gathers enough evidence proving fault and liability, they can file an insurance claim against the at-fault parties seeking compensation for damages. This compensation may include medical bills, loss of income, physical pain, emotional suffering, scarring, and permanent disability. 

Contact a Tennessee Personal Injury Attorney to Discuss Your Case

If you were injured in a rideshare scooter accident, a Tennessee personal injury attorney can help you file a claim against the responsible parties. Contact the personal injury attorneys at Cummings Law today. Get the help you need to fight for fair and just compensation, while also protecting you from manipulative and unfair insurance tactics designed to undervalue and deny valid injury claims.

Posted in: Motor-Scooter Accidents